
- Long Exposure
- The Haunted
- Constellations
- Can You Hear Nature Sing?
- Ghost Orchid
- Forever's Not Much Time
- Cue The Tears
- One Love
- Love Died In Our Arms
- Goodbye
Long Exposure
I didn’t think you’d lie to me
My love for you it was pure
Like glitter on snow
I cannot quite believe the deceit
What a fool love brings...
I held your memory high, encased in glass
Nothing could shatter or tarnish your sacred remains
But you came with your wrecking ball at last
What a fool I have been...
‘Cos I called through the trees
I called from the beach
I waited for you
Crying from all cliffs
and the photograph
That I held in my mind
Had a long exposure
Long exposure
To the truth
So I commit rare love to ink
That very night saw my letter dropped onto her fire
How could you turn so easily?
What a fool love brings...
For I called through the trees
I called from the beach
I waited for you
Crying from all cliffs
and the photograph
That I held in my mind
What a long exposure
Long exposure
To the truth
Orchards of cherries lie bruised on the ground
Bitten, discarded in grief all around
You settle for such easy fruit
What a fool that love brings…
For you’ve called through the trees
You called from the beach
You’ve been looking for me
Crying from all cliffs
and the photograph
That you held in your hand
Had a long exposure
But here I am, here I am, waiting
Here I am, here I am, waiting…
And that photograph of you
It’s fading in the sunlight
and that photograph of you
It’s fading in the sunlight…
The Haunted
Slip inside this haunted house
Tiptoe silent, not a sound
Oh, I feel ghosts
Ghosts all around me…
Sun cuts through this dusty hall
Spray-can dreams across my walls
With blood-red berries write in snow
Sign to the dead, who only know
Oh I feel ghosts
Feel their breath
Upon my neck
Oh I sense ghosts
Ghosts all around me
Light dust particles like stars
Seal my heart inside your jar
Darling cut me one more scar
Before we fall nowhere too far
Listen to what this corridor said
To love songs weeping from our bed
Feel the beat of skipping clocks
Hear the words this sweet hearth talks
Oh I feel ghosts
Feel their breath
Upon my neck
Oh I sense ghosts
Ghosts all around me
Let me lift that crown of thorns
All quitting was once sworn
Suture cuts, I’ll dry your eyes
With words that hover like a sky...
Place your hand upon my mouth
Whisper ‘Ssh…Do you trust me now?’
You may burst through unbolted doors
Spray can your love across my walls
Haunt inside me forever more…
Oh feel my ghost
Feel my breath
Upon your nape
My ghost wrapped around you
Oh feel my walls
Oh be my ghost
Go on…be my ghost
Go on…be my ghost
You win, you always will
I lie still in the lake
Floating on my back
Gazing up at all the stars
A love, toothless like silk
I float free on the waves
Divine bed of nails
Gazing up at the all the stars
Break me,
Waving crashing over like stampedes of horses
That save me,
Cooling ice sculptures that quench me quite endlessly
Crave me,
Teardrops and rain that fall down on me silently
Bathe me...
Do you see the Constellations?
Do you see it now
Are you looking up?
Do you see the Constellations?
Do you see it now?
Are you looking now?
3 words, caught up in the sky
Seasons turn 10,000 times
Compressed love to diamonds
In our minds
3 words, caught up in our sky
Seasons turn 10,000 times
Compressed this love to diamonds
In our minds
Break me,
Waving crashing over like stampedes of horses
That save me,
Cool me with surf and foam quench me quite endlessly
Crave me,
Teardrops and rain that fall down on me silently
Bathe me...
Do you see the Constellations?
Do you see it now?
Are you looking up?
Do you see the Constellations?
Do you see it now?
Are you looking now?
An end, a single breath
I float still on the mirror-verse
Your eyes follow me back
Gazing up at all these stars…
Can You Hear Nature Sing?
Autumn’s touch, harvest worn
Winter’s grasp beckons us on
Hallowed seed, occasional thorn
Unpick the wire around our dawn
Can you hear nature sing
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear through her tears
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear nature sing
Myriad of melodies?
Can you hear through her tears?
Acorns crack, upon the stone
Blossom, sepals, calyx unfold
Pregnant fruit, hanging low
Thaws my form into the snow
Can you hear nature sing
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear through her tears?
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear nature sing
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear through her tears?
Mother smothering
With her favourite illusion
A forest of borrowed white
Evergreen devastation
Mother smothering
With her favourite illusion
There’s a fire
Within our dawn
Can you hear nature sing
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear through her tears?
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear nature sing
A myriad of melodies?
Can you hear through her tears?
A myriad of melodies
Can you hear nature sing?
A myriad of melodies
Can you hear through her tears?
Ghost Orchid
Sail to me, so gently
Ink your words all over me
I’m evergreen like the pine
God knows I adored you
God knows I adored you
You’re my church of snow
And everywhere was nowhere
Wherever we would go
I kneel down at my church of snow
I pray, I pray
Orchid ghost, all yours to spoil
My heaven-reaching petals born for your soil
Evergreen as I pined...
For one drop of your sweet nectar
To deepen the flower
Your love the lectern, where I could have learnt
God knows I adored you
God knows I adored you
You’re my church of snow
And I’ll be your disciple until we’re old
Kneel down at my church of snow
You’re everywhere yet nowhere wherever I go...
I kneel down at my church of snow
Melt into the sun
Kneel down with me, I’ll be your church of snow
Kneel down beside me and
Melt into the sun
Melt into the sun
Forever's Not Much Time
Lathe of night failed you, I’m free
Hollow your shadow cast cold on me
Love’s snow it sleet, I betroth
To love’s splintered streets
Where the knitted-apartness of us sometimes meets…
I miss you, like a dead man recalls life
We had forever, seems it’s not much time
Architect of war
(lay down your gun)
With love’s holy oil
(lay down your pride)
You delight as I toil
(lay down your gun)
Crying, I watch your sweet memory spoil
(lay down your gun)
And I miss you, like a dead man recalls life
We have forever, seems it’s not...
Much time
Tick, tock, tick, tock
Goes the beat
Of a heart.
Cue The Tears
Love we were broken
Leaf skeleton frail
Just memory needles
To stitch up the sails
Love scars imbue me
Waves out of phase
Crackling Pylons
Silence no trace…
The tree in our heart
Remained in dark
Where seeds cannot grow
I shut out the pain
I thought I was made
Shut out the rain
As you cast me her shade
I didn’t look back
I started to run
Perhaps we just
Did we shut out the sun?
Did we shut out the sun?
Prised apart by two guns
Did we shut out the sun?
Did we shut out the sun? (cue the tears)
Did we shut out the sun? (cue the tears)
Prized apart by two guns (cue the tears)
Did we shut out the sun? (cue the tears)
We were so fallen
Leaf skeleton pale
With just these blunt needles
To stitch our torn sails
Love reigns down on us
Words that lost face
Deadening silence
Feigning as grace
The tree in our heart
Remained in the dark
Where seeds cannot grow…
I shut out the pain
I thought I was made
I shut out the rain
As you cast me her shade
I didn’t look back
I started to run
But with us perhaps we
Did we shut out the sun?
Did we shut out the sun?
Cue the tears
Cue the tears
Cue the tears
Cue the tears….
One Love
I felt the breeze
Your robe of God
You left me broken
On my knees
My glass-blown dreams
Ground into sand
Tossed in my eyes
But now I see
My flower
It had to lean toward the sunlight
To pollinate
Love don’t bloom in the shade
My flower Fire Lily, Juliet Rose, Blood Camellia
My stem arcs toward the light
My petals close in the shade
No you need to shine, shine, shine here
Focus your photons of light
Shine on me
On one love
How can the one
Etched in the stars
Be thrown aside
For spare parts?
Your shadow glowed
Along the road
You pulled the blackout curtains
On our shoots
My flower
It had to lean towards the sunlight
Love can’t bloom in the shade
My flower, Fire Lily, Juliet Rose, Blood Carnellia
Stems arc toward the light
And my petals closed in her shade
No you need to
Shine, shine, shine here
Focus your photons of light
Shine on me
On one love
Through the prism of a song
Words unconscious, like petals fall
Sepals are closing upon our day
In the shade I will fade away
No you need to shine...
Focus your photons of light
On one love
Love Died In Our Arms
We’ve got blood on our hands
We’ve got blood on our hands
Love died in our arms
Love died in our arms
We got blood on our hands
We’ve both got blood on our hands
This love died in our arms
This love died in our arms
A little water, A little water
It’s sure to clear us of this
A little water, A little water
It’s sure to clear us of this
So this was love
This was love
I can’t feel the pulse now
So this was love
This was love
Ssh, I can’t hear a sound now…
So this was love
This was love
Look but I can’t see my breath now
So this was love, this was love
And it’s gone, gone…
Weaving in between these notes
Whispering to me
I can hear
Love’s stubborn ghost…
Voices through the trees...
We’ve got blood on our hands
We’ve got blood on our hands
Love died in our hearts
Love died in our hearts
We got blood on our hands
We both got blood on our hands
This love it died in our arms
This love it died in our arms
So this was love
This was love
I can’t feel the pulse now
So this was love
This was love
Ssh, I can’t hear a sound now…
This was love
This was love
Look but I can’t see my breath now
So this was love, this was love
And it’s gone, gone…
….And (whispered)
I am a man
I cry alone
I triumph and conquer
Here on my own
But what is this
That alters my path? (I can’t feel the pulse now)
Shaking the tree
Of such a great man (I can’t hear a sound now)
If being Godless
Used to set me free (I can’t see my breath now)
What is this alter
I find here in front of me?
So sweet is the taste
So firm the shape
This low hanging fruit
Such succulent flesh
On my skin to rest
This low hanging fruit
In orchards at night
I steal just one bite
This low hanging fruit
We’ve got blood on our hands
Return me my mind
‘Cos everything I see
Telling me I’m blind
Idolatry statues seem to move
Whispering to me
‘I’m yours’
Somewhere the heart
Of the pain
There’s an answer
We’ll find it one day
Until then, until then
I wish you love
I wish you love…
I see the sun
Diffracting through the rain
Seeds and flowers blossom
Through my veins
Though I am the one
Sails upon your gaze
Everything I ever seem to do
...In vain
Somewhere in the heart
Of the pain
There’s an answer
We’ll find it one day
Until then, Until then
I wish you love
I wish you love...
Somewhere in the heart
Of the pain
There’ll be an answer
May you find it one day
Until then, until then
I wish you love
I wish you love...